Historians R Us
This blog is the property of the AP US History class at Pope John XXIII High School in Everett, MA, USA. Here students explore current events in America, while seeking to understand the historical roots of those events. At the same time, students are able to carry on classroom discussions in the cyber world.
Friday, January 25, 2008
I Thought Girls Were From Venus?
Exciting Night In the Museum
The way they were smuggled in involved tagging the items with 'Made in Thailand' stickers so they would appear to be fake. It is said that these donated items were also written off a little too highly for the tax breaks. Furthermore it is also believed that the curators and other museum officials knew the items were stolen and chose to accept them regardless.
No Brokeback Two...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Mapping of Sea to Extend Borders of MAny Nations
Recently Russia PLanted a flag under the ice near the North Pole. This ritual seems meaningless as flag planting does not give legal claim to any land. This action was a actually a celebration to the comlpeteion of the underwater mapping of that region. This planting could be compared to the United States flag planting on the moon, as both were just exclamations of an achievement not an actual claim. However, this move did trigger alot of confusion. Under that frozen surface, there is a high probability, that oil is present. The question became, "Who owns this oil?". Previously borders were beasured off the coast. So borders in the Ocean would be like an outline of the coast. This debate has changed that however. The United Nations has decided that instead of claiming by distance that the continental shelf should be the border. Using new methods of mapping the land land ownership will be determined. Many nations including the United States will be affected by this as the US has vast amounts of coastline. The major reasoning behind this issue is the fact that trillions of dollars of oil may be present and nations are already arguing over who owns this underwater wealth. Denamrk and Canada argued over the newly discovered "Lomonosov Ridge", but this mapping by Russia proves it to belong to Moscow. The US has been scanning its continental shelf silently for 6 years. This new mapping will give nations overlapping claim to the same land which will need to be resolvedat a later date. article
Bush Administration Distances One of Its Own
A member of the Bush administration criticized the administration for its efforts to deal with nuclear programs in North Korea. The administration and the State Department wanted a unified front in confronting Norht Korea as it has missed deadlines and its responses have become increasingly hostile. President Bush's special envoy on North Korean Human Rights, Jay Lefkowitz, said that North Korea is not likely to actually disarm anything and will probably remain the way it is. His statements were countered by Sean McCormack who basically said that Lefkowitz does not have any authority in this matter. The disarmament talks are easily compared to both Russia and the United States duringthe cold war, as both wanted the other to disarm their nuclear weapons as the US currently wants North Korea to do.Article
Economist Debate Best Way to Avoid Recession
The White House and Congress have begun to use familiar tools that have worked in the past as ways to assist the economy. This has spurred a lively debate among economists about what the best method for accomplishing this goal would be. SOme of the more popular choices are methods that were passed in 2001 such as a personal income tax rebate of between $300 and $600 that occurred in 2002. Another popular method is the encouragement of business to invest money into plants and new equipment. President Bush mentioned both of these methods. BUsh opposed what the Democrats are likely to support, which is the funneling of money to unemployment and individual states. The goal being attempted by this meeting is to avoid a recession. If a recession were to happen it would be similar to the Great Depression in 1929 where the US stock market crashed.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Tax Cuts a Solution to Economic Problems?
President Bush asked for almost $150 billion in tax cuts to try to help the economy. He is still working on the details with Congress. Members of Congress seem to want a "a tax rebate for the middle class and spending stimulus that jump-starts this economy quickly" according to a Democrat from New York, Senator Charles E. Schumer. The president said that he will make a final decision around January 28. Although some representatives are against these tax cuts, many believe it will help the economy.
In March of 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, FDR, began the New Deal. The New Deal was FDR's solution to the stock market crash in October 1929. It was designed to create relieve from the great depression. It is widely believed that FDR's New Deal actually hurt poor people instead of helping them. To finance the New Deal there was an increase in taxes, almost 3 times the amount. The New Deal also destroyed jobs because wages were increased and production was cut back. The question now is will President Bush's tax cuts help or hurt the economy?
More Political Warfare
Turtles Die In Bangladesh
This past week at least 20 of the worlds smallest species of sea turtles washed up dead along the southern coast of Bangladseh. The Olive Ridley turtles are an endangered species of sea turtle. They range from 90-130 pounds and were said to most likely have been killed by pollution and the illegal use of nets by fishermen. The World Conservation Union said the government should focus on informing fishermen how to properly release turtles caught in their nets. The government has recently launched a conservation project with help from the UN Development Program to protect turtle eggs on beaches. More than 1,500 eggs for breeding this year have already been collected. Endangered species need to be saved before they become extinct. It is importnt that people are educated about the importance of conserving our planet. Enforcing laws to save the wildlife is not enough because than stories like this one begin to appear in the news. Had these fishermen been more educated on the importance of the lives of these turtles or possibly how to free them from nets they are caught in, these turtles could have been saved. Everyone knows endangered animals are off limits for hunting, killing, etc. but not many people know ways in which they can help these animals.
Deporting Illegal Imigrants
The deportation of illegal immigrants has been steadily increasing within the past few years. 35,000 immigrants were arrested in 2007 which is more than double the amount of 2006. A record breaking 276,912 immigrants were sent back to their home countries in the past year alone. Mainly Hispanic families have been affected by the stronger law enforcement, because about 3/4 of the estimated 11.3 million illegal immigrants in our country are from Latin America. Immigrants that have been here for 15-20 years that have established lives and families now live in fear daily of being deported. Many concerned immigrants do their shopping in towns distant from home, avoid parties and do not take vacations. They stay away from ethnic stores, forgo doctor’s visits and meetings at their children’s schools, and postpone girls’ quinceañeras, or 15th birthday parties. Stores catering to Hispanic immigrants have been losing business as well. Although many people find immigrants to be a problem in our country and only a nuisance, deporting all 11.3 million of these people would be economically impossible. Many illegal immigrants contribute to our society and are hardworking members of society, that have withdrawn into seclusion to avoid their biggest fear of deportation.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
More Troops In Action
The Marine Corps was originally founded in 1775. The Marine Corps are a branch of the US Military. The Marine Corps are used for quick power projection operations at sea. They are under the US Navy, administratively, but they have their own military branch. The Marine Corps has been currently useful in the war of global terrorism.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Jews suffer again
BREAKING NEWS: President Bush Predicts Completion of Mideast Peace Treaty!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Keeping the Peace.
The Peace Corps is starting to increase the numbers of volunteers who are over the age of 50. They say that older volunteers bring a more professional type of service from life experiences then the younger volunteers straight from college. The Peace Corps continues however to receive an overwhelming percentage of inexperience college graduates, who don’t know how to handle working with citizens of third world countries. Critics say however that the Peace Corps should recruit only the best qualified graduates and only the older volunteers who have skills and personal characteristics that are a solid fit for the host country. However the Peace Corps has resisted doing this because they fear it would significantly lower to number of volunteers. Another critic of the Peace Crop is that although the will of the volunteers of the Peace Corps were initially good, they do little to nothing to actually aid development in poor countries. For example In Cameroon, a Country in Africa, the Peace Corps continues supplying English teachers to that country after it was revealed that there are already many well educated people in the country capable of speaking very good English. The country even ranked English teachers as their lowest priority, but thy are continuing receiving them. This is a clear indication of how the Peace Corps neglects its consumers, yet prioritize the fact the volunteer are enjoying themselves, regarding the fact if they are improving the quality of life in the host country.
Despite the many problems and criticism Peace Corps now receives, the early years of the Peace Corp proved to be effective and beneficial. The Peace Corp was created to have the people of America meet challenges of the world with “innovation, creativity, determination, and compassion.” The Peace Corps was created on March 1,1961. President John F. Kennedy issued and Executive order establishing the Peace Corps as a new agency with in the Department of States. He also asked congress for a permanent funding for this agency to train and send Americans to foreign countries. After its creation thousand of letters poured into Washington from young American hoping to volunteer. After March 1, thousands of young American volunteered for the Peace Corps. Headed by Kennedy’s brother in law, R Sergeant Shriver, 750 were chosen to serve in 13 nation in 1961. That August Kennedy hosted a White House ceremony to honor the first Peace Corp volunteer. On September 22, 1963 Kennedy sighed a legislation which created a permanent Peace Corps that would “ promote world peace and friendship” with three goals: To help the people of interested countries to meet their needs from trained men and women, to help promote a better understanding of Americans , and to help promote a better understanding of others people on the part of Americans. Although budget cuts has lowed the number of Peace Corp volunteers, today more then 7,00o Peace Corps Volunteer serve in over 720 countries.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
More Voter I.D. Laws
Incredibly Gruesome Murder
On January 3rd in an East Texan town near Dallas, was one of the grisliest murder cases this decade. In a fit of anger Christopher Lee McCuin stabbed to death his girlfriend Jana Shearer. What happened next was horrific. He preceded to mutilate her body by cutting off her ear and boiling it on a stovetop and placed a chunk of skin on a plate with a fork stuck in it. He then proceeded to go to his estranged wife's house where he murdered William Veasley, a man she had been seeing. His wife called the cops on him and a chase ensued where he fled to his mother's house and called her out to the garage to show her the body of Veasley. Her and her boyfriend immediantly fled the house. He called 911 himself and told the operate her had killed Shearer and was boiling her body parts. It is still unknown whether or not if he had consumed any body parts of Shearer. He is being charged with capitol murder. Though not the same, the gruesome nature of this murder is similiar to the killing spree that Charles Manson & the "Family" went on in 1969 where innocent people were killed and mutilated in a gruesome manner.
Economy's Facing A Challenge According to Bush
President George Bush said in the Union League Building in Chicago on Jan. 7th, that the U.S might be facing some "economic challenges." This doesn't seem strange seeing as how oil prices have skyrocketed due to the tension in the Middle East, the home mortgage crisis, and a weakening job market. “We cannot take growth for granted,” Mr. Bush said in a speech to a group of business leaders in which he acknowledged that “recent economic indicators have become increasingly mixed.” In addition to the three problems, unemployment rate jumped up to 5%. A number of analysts have predicted a economic downturn in 2008 which will carry on to the next president whomever that may be. Hopefully the economic situation will not be like it was in 1979 with the Energy Crisis when Carter was in Presidency. Interest rates went up 20 % and the American people were still facing the backlashing of the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, and the Vietnam War.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Justices Weigh Injection Issue for Death Row
Donald B. Verrilli Jr., the lawyer for two inmates on Kentucky's death row who are facing execution by the commonly used three-chemical protocol, conceded that theoretically his clients would have no case if the first drug, a barbiturate used for anesthesia, could be guaranteed to work perfectly by inducing deep unconsciousness.
But as a practical matter, Mr. Verrilli went on to say, systemic flaws in Kentucky’s procedures mean that there can be no such guarantee, and the state’s refusal to take reasonable steps to avoid the foreseeable risk of “torturous, excruciating pain” makes its use of the three-drug procedure unconstitutional.
Of the 36 states with the death penalty, all but Nebraska, which still uses only the electric chair, specify the same three-drug sequence for lethal injections. The second drug, pancuronium bromide, paralyzes the muscles with suffocating effect. The third, potassium chloride, stops the heart and brings about death, but not before causing searing pain if the anesthesia does not work as intended. The paralyzing effect of the second drug gives the inmate a peaceful appearance and, even if he is in great pain because of inadequacy of the anesthesia, renders him unable to communicate that fact.
Further, the chief justice said, the inmate might object that death would take longer without the third drug, and would appear less “dignified” because of muscle contractions that are suppressed by the second drug. Then the third would put a stop to the heart, essentially killing the convict.
We just saw the movie "Dead Man Walking" in theology class and it involved lethal injection and showed the process of the three drug routine and how it suppresses the true pain. It is a very immoral thing, to kill another in the first place, and with lethal injection they are just trying to make it easier for everyone else and not the convict.
New Hampshire...The '08 Decider.
Some of the major players in this spending spree are Hillary Clinton's most supportive supporters; The American Federation of teachers, spending over $140,00 in ads directed at women voters, and the Emily's List Political Action committee, spending over $100,000 on a pro-Hillary campaign. The republicans are dealing with this issue as well. Mitt the *"stormin' Mormon" Romney has been the brunt of a negative campaign in NH for some time now. This Race is Getting as bad as the election of 1968, when the country was fraught over who would end Viet Nam, and today, the political climate is quite similar.
* Quoted from Andre Simonelli
Friday, January 04, 2008
Unemployment Gives a Warning about Economy
“There’s no mystery as to why the unemployment rate went up,” said Robert A. Barbera, chief economist at the research firm ITG. “The mystery is why it took so long.”
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Obama and Huckabee Win in Iowa Vote
Senator Barack Obama won the Iowa Democratic caucuses tonight in a stunning show of strength by a young African-American candidate who was virtually unknown to America three years ago. He defeated Senator Hilary Clinto, the former first lady, and former Senator John Edwards, the Democrats’ vice presidential nominee in 2004 by a substantial margin.
On the Republican side, Mike Huckabee, the folksy former Arkansas governor and Southern Baptist preacher, defeated the vastly better funded and organized Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, riding a wave of support by evangelical Christians who said they were drawn to Mr. Huckabee because they believed he shared their values.
The Iowa caucuses drew intense public interest and record turnout on the Democratic side, which featured three compelling candidates waging a fierce campaign that turned on the question of change versus experience. Democratic caucusgoers strongly endorsed Mr. Obama’s vow to change the nature of politics in Washington, decisively preferring his case to Mrs. Clinton’s emphasis on her experience in public life as a senator and the spouse of a president and a governor.
Mr. Romney conceded early in the evening after falling more than 10 percentage points behind Mr. Huckabee. Mr. Romney, who outspent Mr. Huckabee by more than four to one, conceded in an interview on Fox News. “Congratulations on the first round to Mike,” he said. But he described Iowa as the first inning of a “50-inning ballgame” and vowed to stay in it until the end.
The crowd at Huckabee headquarters was ebullient as television news programs called the race. One man shouted “serves you right for the negative ads” as Mr. Romney conceded in an interview on Fox News, and applause went up again when newscasters talked about Mr. Huckabee’s success turning out his evangelical base. Mr. Huckabee is expected to board a chartered jet for New Hamphire at 11:30 this evening — something that is almost an extravagance for his bare-bones campaign.
Labels: nytimes.com
DNA wins freedom for man after 27 years
In Dallas, Texas Charles Chatman age 47 was freed after 27 years of imprisonment. He was convicted since 1981 for sexual assaulting his neighbor. A judge recommended overturning his conviction due to the basis of new DNA testing that lawyers say proved Chatman's innocence. Chatman is the 15th inmate from Dallas since 2001 to be freed by DNA testing, by an organization of volunteers who investigate claims of wrongful conviction. The state will have released at least 30 wrongfully convicted inmates, since 2001 according to the Innocence Project.Chatman claims that he never raped the woman living five houses down from him.He was 20 when the victim, a woman in her 20s, picked him from a lineup.Chatman said he never knew her, having lived near her for 13years. Serving nearly 27 years of a 99- year sentence in prison for aggravated sexual assault made Chatman the longest serving inmate in Texas to be freed by DNA evidence.
Genelex Corporation,DNA testing industry boomed in 1987, which provided accurate, convenient and affordable test results. It express the purpose of performing forensic DNA analysis service for the justice system. Hundreds of cases and DNA analysis have been performed by the advanced STR methods.The forensic services included criminal paternity testing, body identification, Data banking and fingerprinting.
Discrimination in the Garden
As seen through many events in history discrimination against, blacks, women, or other minorities has been less then rare. In fact even today discrimination against minorities can still be seen despite the laws which try to eliminate it. Even in the early 20th century in America, blacks were refused the right to vote, even if they were “allowed” many apllied certain criteria in the way of blacks so that they could not vote. It was people like Martin Luther Kings, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, and many other African American heroes who have paved the way for African Americans today to have rights such as the right to vote, eat in a decent place, or even drinks clean water out of the same water faucetas the whites.