More Political Warfare
Presidential Wanna-be John Edwards recently critisized opponent Barack Huissein Obama for his recent comments about Ronald Reagan. Obama used Reagan as an example of Change in American Government. He was quoted by the New York Times as saying that President Reagan "changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not." This was seen as an unholy blasphemy to Edwards. This is because, apparantly, giving one of our greatest presidents any credit is seen as taboo if that president happens to be a conservative. This is yet another symbol of the terrible division in not only American Politics, but in American Culture. This is just another reason for me to restate my belief that this county needs a Reagan-esque figure more than ever in these troubled times.
We need to make sure that whomever the next president is, whether he is a democrat or a republican, a liberal or a conservative, a mormon, or a minority, that he is the kind of figure that can bring a message of hope to America. He needs to be able to reach his message across party lines, and that he can restore honr, integreity, and justice to America.
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