Sea Sick at the Movies
No, its not a Titanic remake. Its Cloverfield! This newly released film about a mysterious creature attacking New York City has left some fans squeemish in their seats. No, its not graphically violent or particularly anything like Saw one through four. The problem is all in the camera work. Because the movie is shot from a first person point of view, as if from a hand held camera, the screen shakes alot. Some movie goers have been getting sick and having to leave the theater. Doctors say its just classic cases of vertigo. The dizzyness and nausea is all in the movie goers' head. Fortunately, not all viewers are subject to this certain sensitivity. And if you are there are over the counter drugs, like pill you would use for seasickness, that may just help. Though the movie is getting mixed reviews it may just be worth it to see yourself.
This film is reminiscent to previous films such as The BlairWitch Project and Saving Private Ryan.
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