Historians R Us

This blog is the property of the AP US History class at Pope John XXIII High School in Everett, MA, USA. Here students explore current events in America, while seeking to understand the historical roots of those events. At the same time, students are able to carry on classroom discussions in the cyber world.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Economist Debate Best Way to Avoid Recession

The White House and Congress have begun to use familiar tools that have worked in the past as ways to assist the economy. This has spurred a lively debate among economists about what the best method for accomplishing this goal would be. SOme of the more popular choices are methods that were passed in 2001 such as a personal income tax rebate of between $300 and $600 that occurred in 2002. Another popular method is the encouragement of business to invest money into plants and new equipment. President Bush mentioned both of these methods. BUsh opposed what the Democrats are likely to support, which is the funneling of money to unemployment and individual states. The goal being attempted by this meeting is to avoid a recession. If a recession were to happen it would be similar to the Great Depression in 1929 where the US stock market crashed.


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