Historians R Us

This blog is the property of the AP US History class at Pope John XXIII High School in Everett, MA, USA. Here students explore current events in America, while seeking to understand the historical roots of those events. At the same time, students are able to carry on classroom discussions in the cyber world.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Concerns Regarding U.S. Food Safety

In the last week alone, two companies were forced to recall thousands of pounds of beef due to E.Coli contamination, similarly poultry products linked to 139 cases of salmonella were removed from store shelves, and 145 cases of food poisoning were reported. These cases have brought attention to the public over the United States' food safety system. Flaws in production and oversight of the food our nation provides for its citizens have left a line of unresolved problems. News stories have luckily been keeping people aware of the dangerous illnesses out there. Due to heightened awareness, these same people have been able to pick up on food-brought diseases more quickly. Common mishaps that continue to poison U.S. food supply are sick animals being used for batches of meat, supplies of meat being magnets for bacteria when not properly stored, inadequate government inspections, the lack of mandatory recalls, and so on. Hopefully, with further media attention the government takes action in taking care of its citizens.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in America first appeared in the late 1940's in Atlanta, Georgia. The following decade, the CDC began its very first cases on polio and rabis. In this same decade, the CDC traveled overseas investigating cholera and smallpox. Consistently, the program continued to investigate illnesses. Over the years, the CDC has been a part of the diagnosis of diseases such as AIDs, vaccinations for smallpox, and improved vaccinations for influenza. The CDC has also been responsible for statistics, for example, one in five teen deaths is gun-related. Recently, the CDC has done a good job keeping Americans aware of E. Coli and salmonella with articles posted on their website.

Links, links, links
Community Supported Agriculture

Food and Drug Administration
United States Department of Agriculture


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