Historians R Us

This blog is the property of the AP US History class at Pope John XXIII High School in Everett, MA, USA. Here students explore current events in America, while seeking to understand the historical roots of those events. At the same time, students are able to carry on classroom discussions in the cyber world.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Al Gore Wins Nobel Prize

Former Vice president Al Gore was awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, alonside his netowrk of United Nations scientists known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. As described by the name they do what they consider important environmental work dealing with the climate. This includes such things as The Green House Effect and green house gases. The Norwegian Nobel Committee was praised "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change." Mr. Gore made an award winning documentary on this subject called "An Inconvenient Truth". Conservatives argue that he is an alarmist and his claims are exaggerated.

An interesting fact about this award is that Adolf Hitler was actually nominated for the same award in 1939, though his nomination was later withdrawn. The leader of the Climate panels says that science won over skepticism in this case. The award is the validation that they are doing something useful. The panel was originally "vilified" by those who argued that humans did not have a great deal of impact on the climate. A member of the peace committee, by the name of Berge Furre, Commented that “I hope this will have an effect on the attitudes of Americans as well as people in other countries.” while the Nobel committee called Al Gore “probably the single individual who has done most to create greater worldwide understanding of the measures that need to be adopted.”
When he recieved the award Mr. Gore Had some interesting things to say. HE accpeted the award "on behalf of all the people that have been working so long and so hard to try to get the message out about this planetary emergency,” while he was stnading next to his wife. He then declared that his work had just begun and he will continue to further the cause he cares so much about.
New York Times Article


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