"Shame on You"

A seventy five year old pastor, Anne Gordon, of St. Anne's Cathedral Holy Church of Deliverance in Milwaukee was killed by her step-grandson.The criminal Eric Henry took her life by duct- taping a plastic bag over her head. Gordon suffocated to death.The reason for such a harsh crime was Gordon's refusal to give Henry $300 to be used for his girlfriend's abortion. While being taped down, Henry told police, Gordon was on the floor asking God to forgive Henry for what was about to happen.
In the 1820s abortion laws began to appear in the United States. The law forbad abortion after the fourth month of pregnancy.Early feminists such as Susana Anthony wrote against abortion: which was an unsafe medical procedure for women that could have endangered their health and life.These feminists blamed laws and men in pressuring women into doing a moral evil. Feminists later defended safe and effective birth control bills to avoid abortion. By 1965 all fifty states banned abortion with the exceptions such as to save the mother's life, deformed fetus, rape, or incest.
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