Historians R Us

This blog is the property of the AP US History class at Pope John XXIII High School in Everett, MA, USA. Here students explore current events in America, while seeking to understand the historical roots of those events. At the same time, students are able to carry on classroom discussions in the cyber world.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It is just being revealed that the US has suspected that Iran was supplying the insurgents in Iraq with weapons. It states that the British have intelligence that proves that most of the insurgents are being trained in Iran in the same fashion that Hezbollah are. However, even more disturbing is the fact that some of the people that were identified were in fact Iranian revolutionary guards themselves.

This is kind of like the proxy wars that the US fought against the Soviet Union during the fifties and sixties. What would happen is that the Soviets would go into countries in southeast Asia and convert their political system to communism. This is a lot like how the Iranians are going into the Shiite parts of Iraq and funding the insurgents there. However, what I have to say is that we cannot afford to fight the Iraqis in the way that we fought the Koreans and the Vietnamese. We need to crush the Iraqis so that the Iranians are not willing to fund them. Reagan summed it up the best when he said that deterrence is making your enemy come to the realization that in attacking you the negative aspects far outweigh the positive ones.


Blogger AMRea said...


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