Historians R Us

This blog is the property of the AP US History class at Pope John XXIII High School in Everett, MA, USA. Here students explore current events in America, while seeking to understand the historical roots of those events. At the same time, students are able to carry on classroom discussions in the cyber world.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

World War III?

Over the past few days the world has changed in a more juristic way than anyone could comprehend. In an article in the New York Times it is said that the US military has taken action against the Somalian Jihadist group with strong links to Al Qaeda. This is all true, minus one huge detail. That detail is who we are backing in this fight. The article states that we are fighting to take out Al Qaeda’s infrastructure in the country. However, what we are really doing is taking out the targets that the Ethiopians can not with their conventional means. In case you were wondering the Ethiopians are only fighting the Somalis because they are Christian and the Somalis are Muslims. Yet again Christianity and Islam are coming to a head.

Another event much like those that are unfolding in Somalia today occurred in the sixties. This was not combating a religion, per se. however it was to stop the spread of one of the most dangerous ideologies of all time, communism. This was the Vietnam war. What happened was that the United States did not want Vietnam to become a communist state. So, they did what any logical country would do, fought a politically correct war that resulted in the death of many Americans for no apparent reason.

The only real point that one can draw from this is that if one is going to fight a war then all of the tolls that they have to fight that war need to be used. You cannot fight and win a war so that the media and general public will be happy with you. So we must learn from the past that we should go all out in war or it is not even worth showing up for the battle.


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