France is becoming colorblind...What A Sight!
France is becoming officially colorblind, or at least attempting to. In Paris, a man named Patrick Lozès has a dream. He wants the equality that is supposedly granted to all people under the law, much like Martin Luther King Jr. wanted equality for all blacks in America. Mr. Lozès has founded the Representative Council of Black Organizations (Le Conseil Représentative des Associations Noires, or CRAN), in 2005 after there was quite a bit of rioting of African and Arab immigrant families. CRAN has become a peaceful way of protest against inequalities. It is assumed that France's populations contains about eight percent of colored men, women and children. Many of these families are victim to racial predijudces in the workplace and in media. CRAN will attempt to end the racial descrimination that seems to be prominent in France. Also, although it has been thought about, the black voting parties will not vote in a coalition because they're influence would not be that great, and sometimes they do not all agree on who to vote for.
This article compared Frances fight for equality to Martin Luther King Jr, and the American Civil Rights movement. It always seems to be assumed that because America is more tolerant towards other races, that other countries treat immigrants the same way. France is a perfect example of this. Some things should not be taken for granted because some people do not have all of the rights that we, as Americans have.
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